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Security Awarness For Everyone
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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What if I Have a Virus?

If specific instructions are not readily available on how to respond to a virus on your machine, ask your LAN Administrator or your CIO ISSO to provide them. If you have such instructions, and they are older than 6 months, or you can’t determine the date of distribution, ask for a revised version. In general, leave the computer as it is and call the designated point of contact.

The Good News

Cartoon of computerFortunately, most known viruses come through well-known paths. Here is a short list of the most common sources of virus infection:

  • Files downloaded from the Internet
  • E-mail messages and attachments
  • Files brought in from home computers
  • Even shrink-wrapped commercial software can be a source of virus infection

Whenever you receive files from such sources, be sure to use your anti-virus software to scan the files before using them. That way, you will be the good news – a blocked route against virus entry.

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This CD-ROM was produced April 8, 2003
from the original content of "Security Awareness for Everyone."

Copywrite 2001 Security Awareness, Inc.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention